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Innovators Marketplace on Data Jackets fo...
作者:Yukio Ohsawa 来源 : 数学院南楼N205 时间:2017-03-17 字体<    >


Let us introduce Innovators Marketplace on Data Jackets (IMDJ), a market-like creativity support system for providers, users, and analysts of data, where scenarios for combining/using/reusing data are created with by-products that maybe plans of businesses and/or new computational methods for data analysis/visualization.  Here let us focus on some methods created in IMDJ, responding to presented requirements by data users. The created methods including Tangled String (TS) detects essential parts of a sequence of items e.g., logs of words, sequences of events in real markets, and tennis players' sequences of super-shots.  http://iss.amss.cas.cn/lt/xtkxxlbgh/201703/t20170316_364083.html



Yukio Ohsawa received BE, ME, and PhD in from the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (1995). Then worked for the School of Engineering Science in Osaka University (research associate, 1995-1999), Graduate School of Business Sciences in University of Tsukuba (associate professor, 1999-2005), and moved back to The Univ. of Tokyo.

Yukio Ohsawa  started researches from non-linear optics, and, via artificial intelligence, created a new domain chance discovery meaning to discover events of significant impact on decision making, since year 2000. About chance discovery he gave keynote talks in conferences such as International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences, Int’l Conf. on Rough Sets and Fuzzy Sets, Joint Conf. on Information Sciences, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, etc. Chance discovery came to be embodied as innovators’ marketplace, a methodology for innovation borrowing principles of the dynamics of markets.

His original concepts and technologies have been published as books and monographs from global publishers such as Springer Verlag, Taylor & Francis, etc. Two most important books among them are, "Chance Discovery" (2003 Springer, foreword given by Eric von Hippel), "Innovators’ Marketplace: Using Games to Activate and Train Innovators” (2012 Springer, foreword given by Larry Leifer). He edited special issues as guest editors for journals, mainly relevant to chance discovery, such as Intelligent Decision Technologies (2016), Information Sciences (2009), New Generation Computing (2003), Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (2002), etc.





The 6th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, Beijing, Oct 22-24, 2011 (Deadline: July 30, 2011)
美国Texas A&M International 大学王海波副教授访问综合集成与知识科学小组并作报告

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