应邀帝国理工学院(Imperial College of London )数学研究所Renaud博士于2011年3月17日在思源楼405会议室作了题为"Large-scale Social Networks in Online Games and Facebook"学术报告。其报告摘要如下:
The capacity to collect fingerprints of individuals in online media has revolutionized the way researchers explore human society. Social systems can be seen as a non-linear superposition of a multitude of complex social networks, where nodes represent individuals and links capture a variety of different social relations. Here we focus on two unexplored aspects of large-scale social networks: For the first time, we analyze a complete, multi-relational, large social network of a society consisting of the 300,000 odd players of a massive multiplayer online game, between which we identify six different types of one-to-one interactions. Amongst others, we present the first empirical large-scale verification of the long-standing structural balance theory, by focusing on the specific multiplex network of friendship and enmity relations. We focus on the psychological profile of large-scale populations. To do so, we have analyzed data from a highly-popular Facebook application that is able to survey a very large number of Facebook users with peer-reviewed personality tests. Based on test results, we study the relationship between network importance (number of Facebook contacts) and personality traits, the first of its kind on a large number of subjects (400,000).

报告后,唐锡晋研究员与Renaud博士讨论了人格分析,on-line 和 off-line 人类行为模式间的关系,并对Tom A.B. Snijders的p*模型和Siena软件进行了讨论。其他同学也对报告中感兴趣的问题与Renaud博士进行了交流。综合集成小组的唐锡晋研究员、李振鹏、罗斌、吴丹、张泽代,以及973项目小组成员曹志刚博士,硕士生杨敏敏,昊宇及其它3位研究生参加了此次报告。
3月24日下午,Renaud 博士又访问了MSKS研究小组并与唐锡晋研究员和研究小组成员进行了深入交流。唐锡晋研究员介绍了Meta-analysis方法的从定性到定量综合集成方法论的基本概念, 两种定性综合集成支持技术iView和CorMap及其在群体研讨、会议挖掘、心理挖掘、专家知识挖掘等方面的应用罗斌介绍了CorMap和iView两个工具在会议论文挖掘、大学生社会关注挖掘中的应用,着重展示了在线会场中的互动型CorMap和iView挖掘功能。李振鹏介绍了观点动态建模,仿真分析,即其将来基于web挖掘进行实证研究的展望。吴丹介绍了她运用Siena软件对某大学学生调查问卷的一项朋友关系形成因素的实证性研究。
Brief Introduction about Dr Renaud:
After a PhD in Physics dedicated to the modeling of granular gases at Université libre de Bruxelles, he have drifted towards more interdisciplinary fields of research and the analysis of large-scale complex networks.
Now, he mainly focuses on :
-social networks and the possibility to exploit the fingerprints left in electronic records (mobile phone, email, online social networks, etc.) to improve our understanding of human society.
- brain networks, with the aim to reveal how brain architecture supports the emergence of adaptive behavior and cognition.
He currently working as a research associate at the Institute for Mathematical Sciences of Imperial College London, with joint positions in the departments of Mathematics, Physics, Neuroscience and Bioengineering. His research project has a broad focus and deals with the relation between dynamics, function and structure in complex network.