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主题词:KICSS;qualitative;meta-synthesis;CorMap;iView;word;association 字体<    >
   11月27日唐锡晋研究员在泰国清迈举行的第5届知识、信息与创造力支持系统(The 5th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems - KICSS’2010)作了题为"Support for Qualitative Study of Social Risk Cognition"的特邀大会报告.

   报告摘要: Right image or perception of public feelings or opinions toward a dedicated topic is very important for decision makers to formulate policies or take actions. In recent years, emergency management calls for right intervention toward crisis, where the right image of the crisis is a condition. Social psychologists usually undertake a series of investigations to access the interaction mechanisms underneath the common thinking or actions. The design and statistic processing of the questionnaires always require a lot of manpower. In this talk, two supporting technologies, denoted as CorMap and iView, for qualitative meta-synthesis which aims to acquire structuring information, generate assumptions or even just extract common grounds about the wicked problem from the community for further investigation, are addressed and applied to a free-association test on social risk before Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The iView technology helps to detect the main images toward social risk and also help the analysts in word clustering (coding). The CorMap technology may then be helpful to expose the community and their concerns. Moreover, both technologies enable the visualization of the whole exploratory analytical process, to show how to transform the diverse public opinions into somewhat structured hypotheses from which to take in-depth studies.


Call for Papers: 11th International Workshop on Meta-synthesis and Complex Systems (Deadline: March 31, 2011)
The On-line Conferencing Ba for MCS2008 Is Available
CALL FOR PAPERS: 13th International Workshop on Meta-synthesis and Complex Systems (Submission Deadline: April 15, 2013 May 15, 2013)
Call for Papers: the 12th International Workshop on Meta-synthesis and Complex Systems(Submission Deadline:June 25, 2012 July 31,2012)
Visitors from Texas AM International University

CAS,Research Group of Meta-Synthesis and Knowledge Science
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