2010年11月4日下午瑞士DIACOVA公司Andreas Hieronymi先生来综合集成与知识科学小组交流了其关于复杂科学应用于企业系统研究的一些思考。其报告摘要如下: Organizations face diversity and complexity on multiple levels. New integrative models can help to transfer insights of complexity science to organizations and increase cooperation and innovation.From a perspective of systems theory, it is argued that goal-oriented systems living in a complex, dynamic environment possess a common set of core traits in order to be able to adapt and evolve. General system models have been described by Miller (1978) with 19 components and Beer (1985) with five components. Both models are based on biological analogies, systems theory, information theory, and cybernetics. The present approach has similar roots, but also incorporates aspects of complexity science and embodied cognitive science. It describes nine essential principles that are put into a conceptual framework. Corresponding traits in persons, teams, and organizations are described. Functional diversity and systems intelligent leadership are important ingredients for managing complexity and enabling innovation on all levels of organizations. 在随后的交流中,大家针对Hieronymi先生讨论了软系统方法用于企业系统运行,特别针对报告,大家进一步说明了进行此类研究可能更需要建立复杂科学与企业组织的有效联系桥梁的具体的可操作的方法、技术和辅助系统,而不仅仅限于概念层次的讨论。研讨中,Hieronymi先生展示了其研究的关联的主要关键词的云图,唐锡晋研究员利用 iView技术已KSS2010会议威力说明了从文档中获取关联关键词并用定量技术确认主要关键词的可视化分析技术,阐释了定性的结论同样需要定量计算方法的支持,是概念体系得到承认的重要一环。 之后大家共进晚餐,进一步交换了东方哲学、系统思想与西方系统学派。综合集成小组顾基发研究员、唐锡晋研究员以及李振鹏、罗斌、吴丹、张则代等4位研究生参与了本次交流。