2010年10月9-13日综合集成与知识科学小组唐锡晋研究员赴伊斯坦布尔参加了2010 IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics 国际会议. IEEE SMC 会议是系统工程的旗舰会议,包括3大主题内容: 系统科学与工程(systems science and engineering),人机系统(human-machine interaction)以及控制论(cybernetics). 本次会议有3个特邀大会报告: 10月11日Paul J. Werbos, Neural Networks: from Toys to Cars to the Mind 10月11日Professor Kewin Warwick (University of Reading, UK), The Cybord Experiemnts 10月12日Prof. Dr.- Ing. habil. Edgar Koerner(President, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH),Learning to behave in a natural environment 其中Warwick教授的大会报告集聚特色,世界许多媒体都有各种报道,如2010年9月22日CNN就有"Cyborg professor looks to future of bionic technology"的报道. 相关链接:http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/09/21/vbs.cyborg/index.html?hpt=C1 综合集成与复杂系统的特别分组于10月11日下午举行,共7篇演讲,均从自由投稿于本分组的文章中录取.它们分别是: 1. Ju Hongli, Jin Guangzhong and Yoshiteru Nakamori, Methods for Products Recommendation using Emotional Information information [JAIST, Japan] 2. Hong-bin Yan and Yoshiteru Nakamori A Probabilistic Approach to Kansei Profile Generation in Kansei Engineering information [JAIST, Japan] 3. Xiaolin Huang, Jun Xu and Shuning Wang, Operation Optimization for Centrifugal Chiller Plants Using Continuous Piecewise Linear Programming information [Tsinghua University, China] 4. Xiao Liu and Jianmei Yang, Network Analysis and Rule Mining of Export Market Structure Evolvement information [Jinan University and South China University of Technology, China] 5. Ying Fan and Xiao-Bing Zhang, A dynamic game based analysis on the strategic petroleum reserve policies of developing countries information [Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China] 6. Xijin Tang, Comprehending Meta-synthesis System Approach in Terms of DSS, Soft OR and Knowledge Creation information [Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China] 7. Xiaoguang Yang and Jianhua Cheng, A Data-driven Approach for Building Macroeconomic Decision Support System [AMSS-CAS and Anhui University, China] 目前,已有3篇文章被SCI期刊 Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 选中有希望修改并通过快速评审后发表。