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MCS2009 论文评审完毕
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The paper review process of the 9th International Workshop on Meta-synthesis and Complex System (MCS2009) was finished last week. Each submission was reviewed by at least 2 referees.

This year MCS2009 joins MCDM2009 (the 20th International Conference on Multi-Creteria Decision Making) held in Chengdu in June. MCS2009 got 40 submissions, 37 entered into the review process.By the review results, 10 were rejected. 17 were accepted. To strengthen the academic exchanges and debates, another 10 submissions were accepted as short papers by negoitation with MCDM2009 PC chairs. All submissions were reviewed by at least 2 referees till 20:00 January 6, 2009 (Beijing Time). Those review comments uploaded after that deadline were ignored.

MCS2009 paper review process was faciliated by the conference management system developed by MSKS group. That system was initially used for KSS2006 three years ago. By the continuous endeavours, the conference management system is envolved into on-line conference ba (OLCB) for augmented support for efficient organizing and active participation.

Since MCS2006, OLCB has been provided for authors who register to the annual workshop to exchange ideas or find potential friends before on-site activities. For example, MCS2008: http://msks.iss.ac.cn:8080/mcs2008/olcb.htm MCS2007: http://msks.iss.ac.cn:8080/mcs/olcb.htm MCS2006 (togeher with KSS2006): http://msks.iss.ac.cn:8080/kss/ MCS2009 OLCB will be available before the convening time (June 21-26, 2009).

The 9th International Workshop on Meta-synthesis and Complex Systems(Chengdu,June 21-26,2009)

CAS,Research Group of Meta-Synthesis and Knowledge Science
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