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Call for Papers: The 12th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences, Hull, UK, July 17-22, 2011 (Deadline: May 30, 2011)
主题词:Call;for;Paper;KSS2011;Knowledge;Sciences;Systems;Science 字体<    >

  The 12th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS’2011) will jointly held with the 55th meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences (ISSS’2011) hosted by the University of Hull during July 17-22, 2011. 


  The theme for 2011 event is  "All together now – working across disciplines: people, principles and practice"


  Detailed information can be found from   






  The 12th International Symposium on Knowledge & Systems Sciences 

  Hull, July 17-22, 2011


  Call for Participation 


  KSS’2011 is the annual meeting by the International Society for Knowledge and Systems Sciences (http://www.iskss.org/). 


  *** Scope of KSS’2011  *** http://www.iss.ac.cn/iss/chinese.html) 


  The presentations and papers at KSS2011 are expected to cover but not limited to the following areas:


  - Creation of agent-based social systems sciences

  - Cross-cultural learning on systems thinking and knowledge management

  - Complex system modeling and complexity

  - Knowledge creation, creativity support, awareness support, etc.

  - Knowledge discovery: data mining, text mining, recommendation system and relevant Web intelligence tools

  - Knowledge systems engineering

  - Meta-synthesis and advanced modeling

  - Problem structuring methods and system methodologies

  - Social dynamic network modeling




  *** Confirmed Keynote Speech *** 


  Cathal Brugha (University College Dublin, Ireland),

  "How Systems Science Helps Explain the Differences between Western and Chinese Thinking"

  (July 17, 2011, Sunday)

  Jifa Gu (ISS-CAS, China), "WSR Approach to Queuing Problem in Expo2010"

  (July 21, Thursday).

  Yoshiteru Nakamori (JAIST, Japan),

  "Knowledge Science - Modeling the Knowledge Creation Process"

  (July 17, 2011, Sunday)




  Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences  (

  Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (http://www.jaist.ac.jp) 

  Dalian University of Technology   (http://www.dlut.edu.cn/dutn/dut-e/main.htm) 

  Shanghai Academy of Systems Science  (http://www.sass.sh.cn/) 

  Systems Engineering Society of China  (http://www.amss.ac.cn/sesc/) 

  IEEE SMC Beijing Chapter (http://www.rccm.tsinghua.edu.cn/smc-bj/) 

  University of Hullhttp://journals.isss.org/index.php/proceedings55th/user. http://isss.org/world/preparing-and-submitting-abstracts-and-papers-2010. 


  *** Paper Submission and Publication *** 


  KSS’2011 will use ISSS’2011 submission system at

  Both abstracts and full-length papers are welcome. Authors are requested to follow submission guidelines

  clearly indicated at

  Please at first submit abstract and allow at least two weeks for the abstract to be reviewed.Full-length submission can only be processed after the abstract is accepted. Please select "Intl Symposium Knowledge & Systems Sciences" in the "section" list to assure your submission for KSS’2011.


  All accepted papers will be published in one CD as proceedings of ISSS’2011 & KSS’2011. All on-site presented papers for KSS’2011 are welcome to submit the modified papers according to the review commnets and on-site Q&A to the official journal of ISKSS, International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IGI Global)  (www.igi-global.com/ijkss)





  January 10, 2011: The start of abstract submission and registration. 


  January 10, 2011: On-line registration begins.


  April 30, 2011: The end of early, discounted registration.


  May 30, 2011: (EXTENDED) The deadline for full papers.

  Only ONE submission per registered participant will be accepted for the conference.


  June 15, 2011. (EXTENDED) The final deadline for abstracts, recognising that abstracts

  may not be developed into full papers. Only ONE abstract per registered participant will be accepted for the conference.


  July 17-22:  Conference


  Other schedule will follow ISSS’2011.


  *** Contact Information *** 


  General contact email address: mcs@iss.ac.cn (Subject: KSS2011)

  Email of organizing chair:

  Xijin Tang   xjtang@amss.ac.cn


The 6th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, Beijing, Oct 22-24, 2011 (Deadline: July 30, 2011)
Introduction to Knowledge and Systems Science --To students who are about to start research

CAS,Research Group of Meta-Synthesis and Knowledge Science
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